What is Karma | Vishen Lakhiani With Sadhguru | Mindvalley

In this video, Sadhguru explains what karma is and how it can empower us to take charge of our destiny. Listen to his conversation with Vishen Lakhiani, CEO of Mindvalley, as they discuss the #KarmaBook.

Quotes from this Video

“There is never going to be any time for any human being where the external situation will be 100% the way you want it. Never ever will it happen. But what is within me must be 100% the way I want, otherwise, I am a lost case.”—Sadhguru

“The moment you say, "it's my karma," your successes and your failures are yours.”—Sadhguru

“What is happening from within me must happen my way. What is around me is not all mine. Everybody has their piece in it.”—Sadhguru